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It is hard to think of any activity that constitutes a more effective outreach for the Religious Society of Friends than our schools.  And it is hard to think of any occupation that touches so many lives in such a positive fashion as teaching.

One hopes that those two realities were prime motivators of T. Wistar Brown when he established his Teachers’ Fund ninety years ago.

The Fund supports with financial grants those members of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting who are over the age of 21 and who need assistance to prepare themselves to teach at the primary or secondary school level. 

Grants are also made to those Friends who are already teaching, but who seek to improve their skills with a graduate degree.

When making awards, preference is given to teachers from small Friends schools.  The smaller schools are often unable to assist teachers engaged in graduate studies.  But all teachers who are members of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting are eligible for help.  While it may sound contradictory, the Fund is favorably disposed to those candidates who look to make a personal contribution to their own advancement and to those who have low to moderate incomes. 



Barbara Caldwell, Kay M. Edstene, Irene McHenry,
Susan Martin (Secretary)

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