T. Wistar Brown specified the uses for his Fund as follows:
…To encourage young Quakers…who wish to qualify for teachers (12th grade and below) and are desirous of obtaining the needful instruction and cultivation to qualify them for the chosen profession. Quakers who are twenty-one years of age and older, and who have completed their undergraduate degree, and are (a) choosing the profession of teaching and desire to take a one-year course in a university or other preparation for their profession…(b) teachers wishing to attend summer schools or other places of instruction open during the vacation season (c) Quakers teaching who are of competent ability to profit by a summer at Woodbrooke, England.
Grants are also given for professional development programs offered by Quaker organizations, such as Pendle Hill Retreat Center and Friends Council on Education.
Must be a member of a Quaker meeting
Must be 21 years of age
Must be teaching or be able to verify intent to enter the Pre-K thru 12th grade teaching field
Must be planning a course of study in a credible institution with a documented history of academic rigor
Grants are for tuition only, not for travel, lodging, or materials, and will be paid directly to the educational Institution.
Sarah Sweeney-Denham, Melinda Wenner Bradley, Lee Payton

Give us a call:
(215) 241-7272

T Wistar Brown, teachers, twbfund, twb, PYM, funding, education